Translucent Business Cards in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE
With a translucent business card, you can create a one-of-a-kind design that stands out from the crowd. The
transparent background showcases your design and images in a stylish manner, encouraging people to hold them up
against a variety of backgrounds and inspect your details and branding. It's a subtle but effective way to draw
attention to yourself; the material and texture of the cards allow for an infinite number of design
possibilities, allowing you to truly let your imagination run wild.
Transparent Business Cards Dubai
Transparent business cards provide an immediate impact. When compared to traditional cards, the distinction is
immediately noticeable. Transparent visiting cards leave a lasting impression on your clients, presenting your
best image and encouraging them to contact you.
Frosted Business Cards Dubai
Are you tired of prospective clients discarding your business cards? The solution is Frosted Business Cards.
Our frosted visiting cards are printed on Transparent PVC Card Stock, the same material that credit cards are
printed on. Because it is durable and waterproof, it is an excellent choice for creating a lasting impression.
Your superior quality and additional effort in self promotion will be immediately apparent.